Specialized services and support for individuals who have experienced traumatic events


What is Trauma?


If you’ve experienced an extremely stressful or disturbing event that’s left you feeling helpless and emotionally out of control, you may have been traumatized. It could be a physical assault, emotional or verbal abuse, a life-threatening medical condition, terrorism or a even a natural disaster that causes a severe disability in your daily functioning resulting from that event. Psychological trauma can leave you struggling with upsetting emotions, memories and anxiety that won’t go away; numb, disconnected, unable to trust other people.

When bad things happen, it can take a while to get over the pain and feel safe again, but there is hope. Whether the trauma happened years ago or yesterday, you can make healing changes and move on with your life, but it requires specialized support from a professional familiar with trauma, specifically.

At ABS, our focus is specialized support which targets specific issues so a person can work through their recovery. While there is no fast track or timeline for recovering from trauma, it’s essential to work with a licensed professional who will help you be more effective, resolute and engaged during the recovery process. 


Goals of Trauma Therapy

Our clinical and therapeutic team incorporates a myriad of remedies to alleviate the signs and symptoms associated with trauma. At ABS, our aim is to give individuals tools to overcome their traumatic experiences and empower them with adaptive life skills so they can live productive and healthy lives.

Our Approach

  • Prevent mental health complications from trauma such as posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder and other trauma related co-morbid conditions

  • Improve adaptive functioning and restore normal development

  • Avert relapse

  • Assimilate the danger and triggers associated with the traumatic event into a constructive scheme of safety, prevention and protection

  • Reduce behaviors that restrict daily life and impair functioning